FastMaint Frees Up Farmers to Work on Other Important Jobs!
As the owner of a 50,000+acre ranch, Gordon Clark knows the importance of having a schedule and sticking to it.

That’s why Clark appreciates FastMaint so much. His cattle, sheep, and farming operation has been using the software for over 10 years now to keep things at the ranch humming along on schedule.
Clark says the software saves him and his employees time that they can then use to get other important work done. Instead of constantly handling scheduling tasks and spending valuable time looking for manuals and parts lists, FastMaint takes care of all that for them.
How FastMaint Works:
FastMaint is an easy to install software program that keeps track of maintenance tasks and also ensures important documents and lists are easily accessible when needed.
Users can use the program to manage inventory, vendors, maintenance tasks, purchasing and reordering, and much more.
The program is intuitive and easy to use so that no training is required. Users can start taking advantage of the program right away and figure things out as they go so that no valuable work time is lost learning how to use the software.
Benefits Received:
Clark says his ranching operation has benefited significantly from its use of FastMaint. Some of the specific benefits that Clark identified include:
Scheduling – Clark says FastMaint is an “excellent” schedule system that allows him and his employees to stay on top of all the important maintenance tasks that need to be completed at the ranch to ensure it runs optimally and valuable work time isn’t lost.
Supporting Documents – Another big benefit that Clark was sure to stress is that FastMaint allows users to keep all PDF manuals and parts lists attached to each piece of equipment. This ease of access makes maintenance much easier and much faster. Now employees don’t have to spend time looking for the documentation they need, they can access it in seconds with a few mouse clicks.
Website Access – Another big benefit of FastMaint that Clark pointed out was that it allows users to connect pieces of equipment with their company websites so that employees can go right to the websites for information when needed. This really streamlines the process and saves time by helping employees avoid Internet searches.
Instructions – One more big benefit is that FastMaint offers plenty of room for instructions with each managed task so that workers don’t have to go looking for what to do. They can quickly and easily access the instructions and get started right away. Having the instructions with the task also helps ensure the maintenance is done the same way (i.e. the correct way) each time no matter who is working on the task.
The Bottom Line …

When Clark first started looking for maintenance management software he looked at a variety of options before settling on FastMaint.
He has been using the software for over 10 years since then and says he is as pleased with it today as he was back in the beginning.
Clark says: “We are a 52,500-acre cattle, sheep, and farming ranch. We have over 50 wells and about 12 miles of pipelines. That means we have over 100 maintenances. Thanks to the convenience of FastMaint, we are able to attach manuals, parts lists, and operating information to our maintenance tasks that save an incredible amount of time and paperwork filing. This software is easy to use and has everything we need!”