Hotel Maintenance Software For Hospitality & Hotel Operations
FastMaint CMMS Cloud (pay monthly) or Download (pay one-time)

Some hotel management & hospitality industry clients

Why FastMaint CMMS Software For Resort & Hotel Maintenance?
- FAST setup, EASY to use. Hotel maintenance software your team will actually use!
- Import equipment, facilities, spare parts and more for fast setup
- Easily schedule preventive maintenance & maintenance daily routines
- Receive & track repair requests from hotel staff
- Manage hotel work orders, maintenance spares, purchases and more
- Used by resorts & hotels of all sizes
- Download & install on your computer(s) (one time fee). Or use cloud CMMS (monthly fee)
(Download or Cloud CMMS)

Hotel Maintenance Software
Key Features For The Hospitality Industry

Hotel property management system for a variety of hospitality facilities
Facilities managers can easily create corrective and preventive maintenance plans. In addition, you can combine asset maintenance management of your equipment & facilities. Keep track of maintenance spare parts, costs of materials and labor. Track & roll up costs & work done by room/ building/ location. Available as stand alone, networked or cloud editions to suit commercial facilities big and small.
Schedule maintenance in many ways
Use a simple interface to create & schedule all types of maintenance jobs. When equipment breaks down you can easily schedule unplanned maintenance from a task library you create. Similarly you can schedule planned or preventive maintenance tasks in advance. For instance, preventive maintenance scheduling on equipment by time – say every month end. Or schedule maintenance by change in meter readings on the equipment. For instance every 300 run hours. Or schedule based on an alarm and so on.

Manage service requests
You can receive & keep track of maintenance requests from other departments or customers. This enables maintenance supervisors to quickly control maintenance emergencies.
Best of all they can submit requests for work by email. So they do not need to setup anything on their side or need access to FastMaint! Using email these requesters can get updates on the maintenance request status. You can also email them back for additional information.
For instance housekeeping staff can easily report maintenance issues in rooms as they are found.
You as the maintenance manager can review these maintenance requests. Subsequently create work orders from them or cancel them. This helps make maintenance operations a seamless part of hotel management.

List of maintenance work orders showing current state
Maintenance work order tracking made easy
Task templates you create are used to create work orders for scheduled maintenance work as well as equipment breakdowns. These work orders can be given to maintenance technicians or outside sub-contractors for completion. Print the work orders. Or email them out and send reminders when they are past due. You can also print pictures and detailed instructions on work orders. This will help them perform the maintenance work the right way.

Customizable reports & analytics
You can print or email many different reports. Use these reports to get an idea of maintenance work costs, usage of spares and supplies, equipment downtime and so on. For instance, get an immediate idea of your current maintenance situation to share with senior management from the one-page Statistics report.
Create your own reports and graphs with the help of the WYSIWYG Report Editor. Most reports can be customized to your own formats. For example add your hotel logos, custom fields, insert graphs and so on.
Import data from Excel for faster setup
Often you may already have a lot of your data in Excel files. For example rooms, equipment in the rooms and so on. You can import much of this directly into the system for faster setup. Import locations, equipment, maintenance spares, job templates and so on. Hence, this makes it easier for you to get started with FastMaint.
The Import feature comes with a step-by-step wizard. This will guide you to map your data to the correct fields. If you make any mistakes, just run the import again to update the data with your corrections.
You can also export export data to Excel. For example last month’s work orders for further analysis.

Expert Hotel Maintenance Software Selection Tips
From Our Blog
Maintenance management covers a wide area since regular maintenance is required for a variety of assets. A maintenance software program is not only useful in locations with a lot of machines (e.g. manufacturing plants, mining operations, etc.) but useful where you have a lot of facilities maintenance (hotel, resorts, restaurants) as well as those with other equipment (e.g. utilities, vehicle fleets).
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When you need to manage maintenance of a large number of equipment it can become difficult to create a good preventive maintenance plan. Reactive maintenance aka breakdown maintenance tends to dominate. Preventive maintenance gets delayed and sometime not done at all! Here are a seven tips to help improve preventive maintenance planning.
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