Edit Email (Professional edition)

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Edit Email (Professional edition)

In Email Processing, double click on an Email

You can use this to fix some email errors e.g. work order # not found in the email subject because the subject was changed in the email. You can also use this to Reply to the email to get clarifications or Forward it to someone else to get more information.



Complete the form (see below) and click Save.
(Alternatively, click Cancel to abandon your changes.)


From: Name of the person this email is from.

From Email: Email address of the person who sent the email.

To: The email address the email was sent to. It cannot be changed. This will normally be the default email address set in the system Settings.

Subject: The email subject. Avoid changing this to avoid email processing errors. You would normally change this only when trying to fix an email error like "Cannot find Work Order # in subject". To fix such an error make sure that the work order number is correct and that it comes immediately after the text "Work Order #:" in the subject.

Message: The actual response from the person. When processing the email to update the work order, FastMaint will pull out the relevant part of the response and use it to update the work order feedback.

Reply/ Forward button:  Use this button to forward the email message to someone else or send a reply to the person who sent the email. Pressing this button will show a slightly different screen since the message will be from FastMaint to another person (From address, To address will change). You can enter your message here and press the Send button to send the email message and return to the edit screen. Note that replying/ forwarding the message will not remove the original email message - you can still process it.

Save button: Save your changes.

Delete button: Delete the message so that it will not be processed.